“Above all else guard your heart for out of the heart flow all the issues of life” – Proverbs 4:23
We set aside a few days to allow God to speak to the hearts and lives of men and women. It’s a time dedicated to allowing men and women to find their true identity, purpose and destiny while connecting intimately with their loving Father. We purposefully do not share any of the details of the FULLY ALIVE weekend for those who are considering attending. If the world can keep a secret, then we can keep it sacred. Everyone’s FULLY ALIVE story is different but shares the commonality that it is a sacred time where God speaks and moves in ways that transform individuals, marriages, families, churches, communities and relationships. For some, this is a leap of faith, but as Romans 1:17 says; “…it is through faith that a righteous person has life.”
The heart is the place where we experience the full width and depth of life – we dream our wildest dreams, protect our most private secrets, and root our deepest loves. Holding such treasures, your heart is not only valuable and purposeful, but it is also vulnerable. It is here that you experience the most intense joy and absorb the most horrific pain.
All the issues of life flow out of the heart. If it matters to you, know that it has flowed through your heart. Your heart processes every significant event in your life, both positive and negative: scarring abuse, tender first love, neglect, rejections, destructive words, and great accomplishment. The human heart can be wounded, seemingly beyond repair, can be the source of driving conviction, or can become hard as a stone.
Most people are living, but aren’t alive. The longest trip in the world is the 18 inches between the head and the heart. It is the distance between merely being alive and actually living. When we live from our heads, everything stops. If the heart and the head never connect, our spiritual life stops. Our hearts are choked by the busyness of our minds. Our minds are overrun by an onslaught of heart-stopping thoughts. To purely intellectualize life is to die. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge causes spiritual heart attacks.
The symptoms of a spiritual heart attack are devastating. We stop dreaming. We stop praying. We stop believing. We stop hoping. And we stop loving. Instead of embracing life, we analyze it. Instead of pursuing our dreams, we settle for something tolerable and predictable. Instead of searching out our destiny, we choose boredom because it simply makes more sense. It’s more logical.

Sadly, most of us have grown up and given up. The life we were created for has died because somewhere along the way, we quit living and settled for the common life. For some, it happened instantaneously in a traumatic event – abuse, addiction, molestation, or abandonment. For others, it happened over time. It was slow, almost painless. It wasn’t physical death, but something much more severe…spiritual death. Compliancy set in like concrete. However it happened, whenever it happened, whoever or whatever caused it – you accepted something much different than the FULLY ALIVE life.
God designed you to live from your heart. You were created to manifest His glory on the earth and uniquely made for this moment in time. Hard-wired from the factory of heaven, you were meant to shine. Only when you live life from your heart, embracing all of life’s experiences, will you experience the width, the depth and the height of this great adventure of God.
Why would God create the heart to be so tender and yet allow it to be exposed to such an intense variety of life experiences? A FULLY ALIVE life requires a fully-experienced life. Without joy and sorrow, peace and turmoil, happiness and despair, you cannot fully appreciate any one experience. For a life to be fully lived it must be experienced in every extreme. The extent to which we are capable of experiencing great disappointment and pain is also the extent to which we have the capacity to experience the greatest joy. God wired us to be FULLY ALIVE and our hearts require full exposure for real, authentic life to flow. While we would never choose the extreme moments, they are part of the plan of God.
Your past, dreams, wounds, desires, disappointments, mistakes and abuses are integral parts of your heart. Don’t run from them any longer. Your heart is the wellspring of life. All your experiences are the things that have made you, you. Nothing in your heart has stunned God or caught Him off guard. Nothing in your past, present, or future has deterred God from His plan and purpose for you. Nothing that you have done or had done to you has disqualified you from service in His Kingdom. NOTHING!
If you’re ready to experience the truth, grace and freedom found as a son or daughter of God, then the FULLY ALIVE life is what you’ve been looking for.
Join us at the next Fully Alive Weekend!

The Original Sanctuary Book – Prior to attending a Fully Alive event, the only preparation we require is to read The Original Sanctuary. If you would like to hear more and begin your journey to a FULLY ALIVE life, click on the link to get your copy of this heart-changing book
Testimonies of Fully Alive
Jack McCauley
My name is Jack McCauley. I attended Fully Alive in Florida last November 2016. I honestly don’t know how to describe this event and the impact it has had on my life in just a few sentences. I was not a miserable soul before Fully Alive, but I certainly had my own struggles. I was active within my own church and was studying the word daily. I felt like I was, “Good.” The truth is, I was hiding from the truth and managing my battles instead of casting them away.
But, Fully Alive opened my eyes. No…….Fully Alive opened my heart. This event made me a new person. I was so caught up in not forgiving myself of past failures that I couldn’t even see the narrow path I was on. I was incredibly harsh on myself to the point I could not even accept a compliment from a family member or friend. I lived in a world of self-judgment to the point that I didn’t even like myself.
At Fully Alive, I gained a freedom that I have never felt in my life. I had an amazing healing of an illness that is best described in person rather than an e-mail. I am not an over the top, emotionally charged person who believes in miracles. I am suspicious of everything. That makes this event and the miracles that I witnessed even more real. Today, I walk in the freedom of knowing my Father like I never thought was possible. I experience life in a different way. What Jim Carter, Marc Owings, and others did for me personally is beyond words.
Alison Bean
God used Fully Alive to set me free from fear that was holding me back from truly trusting him. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and into His presence where I found healing. Marc Owings and the staff and volunteers had a big part in helping me forgive and face fears that have hindered me.
Lynn Bullock, Senior Pastor NR Benbrook
I had the blessing and privilege to attend Fully Alive #2. Having been in ministry for over 39 years, I can unequivocally say that I have not attended a more anointed, spiritually powerful event in all the years I have served at churches across four states.
It’s very difficult to effectively describe the life-changing impact that Fully Alive had on me personally as a minister, husband, father, and grandfather but this I can say, it has helped set me on a path of truly understanding what Freedom in Christ is, who I am in Christ and how it can be lived out on a daily basis. God’s Word expressly says that He came to set the captives FREE. I believe it! I experience it! I’ve seen a thousand men and women come to experience it also!
I pray that God would open up the opportunity for thousands of men and women to personally taste the Fully Alive experience for themselves. It was a Game changer for me as well as for so many others. I’ve also been privileged to help facilitate several Fully Alive’s and I can honestly say that there is no more beautiful picture than to see a man or woman open their heart to Holy Spirit and allow Him to do a work of regeneration and restoration.
God’s hand of anointing is on Fully Alive. I pray that the Father continues to use this ministry to see thousands more set free to become all He created them to be.
Ashley Edwards
Fully Alive and Elevate Him ministries did not change me. What they did though is provided an environment for the Holy Spirit to move in ways that each woman there individually needed.
The atmosphere allowed me to not only recognize but also rid myself of the lenses I viewed this world and myself through. Fully Alive taught me how to relentlessly pursue Christ as He does me with an abundance of grace. Fully Alive is not a surface level experience but is concerned with each individual’s heart condition because that is where one’s true character flows from.
I am changed, redeemed and truly set free.
Phil Speicher, Pastor Crossroads Baptist Bible church
I experienced a ” Fully Alive ” event last summer in Fla. through the invite of my brother David Speicher, also a Pastor, but in Fla.
For me personally, my life was Transformed through the Holy Spirit’s working through Marc and the Fully Alive team. I was able to lay down hurts and abuses in my past, that I didn’t know were keeping me from experiencing the fullness of Christ! I CAN NOT put into words my relationship with Jesus Christ, and how powerful it is today!!, Not only has it “Transformed” me, but now our little church in Va. is experiencing God in a way we have praying for so long!! We have seen men and women set free from the bondage of fear of hidden hurts, trauma, abuses and sin. We as a church body are now loving each other as Christ originally intended! It is bringing healing to relationships between parents and children, brothers and sisters, Husbands and wives, and most importantly, between people and God!
If you will allow me to boil this down into a few short words, what our Lord Jesus has done is to create a place for me to learn about and truly experience LIFE CHANGING worship! Where I was able to lay down things that hinder true worship, and then be given opportunity to have a place where my LORD would speak back into me all that I needed in healing, acceptance and forgiveness! The depths of intimacy with my Lord are treasures I will never forget, and are the motive of Love, to carry on!
Six men from Crossroads have now gone through the process of “Fully Alive” and they have created such a stir for God, that we now have almost 18 ladies signed up for an event this November! Wanting to experience their God, in a deep intimate way, and be transformed themselves!
I weep as I write this, because I am FULLY ALIVE in love and joy with my Lord, and I am seeing this “FIRE” spread through so many, and because of my love and appreciation for Marc, and the Fully Alive team!
Jessica R. Cummings
My Fully Alive experience was in April of 2012. It showed me that God loves me no matter how much I mess up! And that even when I don’t think he listening he is and he will always be there for me! It healed my heart from all the hurt and pain I had inside myself, made me closer to my husband and children!
Thank you Fully Alive team! Without you all, I don’t think I would realize how much God truly loves me!
Tim Witherell
If you had known me before being born again you wouldn’t have liked me, you would have hated me and walked to the other side of the street.
I had the pleasure …HONOR of being in the first group of FULLY ALIVE in Florida. I am so humbled by the words spoken, the friendship formed but most of all to know that GOD does not hate me, HE does not turn HIS back on me and that HE WILL ALWAYS be there for me.
Fully Alive has taught me to be a better man, better husband, better father and an AWESOME Pop Pop to my grandkids. The relationship I now have with my FATHER is being taught to my grandchildren…all 5 of them. My middle one, Matthew, wants to be a Pastor like I am now studying to become.
I can never EVER thank Marc Ownings enough for all he has done to bring this amazing experience to me and so many other men and women of the MOST HIGH GOD.
GOD will never let us down and I will never let HIM down and this is true of my whole family. Those of us that never went to church to hear HIS words now do. Not because of me but what was instilled and taught to me, a son…a proud son of GOD by becoming Fully Alive. Like GOD, my Fully Alive brothers will never let me down, as well.
Steffanie Clifton
I’ve been a Christian over 25 years and I got to know my Heavenly Father on a whole new level at Fully Alive. I know Him more intimately and I now have tools to live my life in victory.
Fully Alive was not just a “mountain top” experience like I’ve felt on other faith-based retreats. It was a springboard to my victorious life and a more intimate relationship with my Daddy.
I am forever grateful to Marc as he walks in the calling God has bestowed upon him.
Alan Bryant
My wife and I moved to Weatherford, TX. in 2013 from Seattle where we lived for over 40 years. When we came here we began attending New River Fellowship and that’s when I learned about Fully Alive. Fear and anxiety ruled my life but “I had it under control” wearing a mask made of anti-anxiety meds and anti-depressants. My marriage was superficially good but deep down it was suffering and that’s when Jesus said “enough” and that’s when I decided to attend Fully Alive!
Those three days in 2014 changed my life!! The demons of fear, anxiety, depression are gone…my marriage is the best it has ever been, I’m physically healthier and I was the oldest attendee there at 65. My eyes have been opened to the bondage people live in every day and don’t realize it.
Thanks to the love of Jesus and the help of Fully Alive I’m free for the first time in my life!!
Questions? Contact fullyalive@elevatehim.com