YouVersion Bible App

Fully Connected Marriage
7 Days
God did not create us to have the perfect marriage, but to reflect and represent the relationship between Jesus and the bride of Christ, the Church. A fully connected marriage is a partnership where husband and wife are committed to the daily pursuit of God and each other. When couples are willing to intentionally invest in their marriage, they can experience life fully connected to God and each other.
Fully Alive Living
7 Days
Have you ever wondered if you’re truly living Fully Alive? We long to be free from anxiety, worry, troubles from our past and the fears for our future. Fully Alive living is a life full of transparency, vulnerability, truth, grace, and forgiveness. When we live FULLY ALIVE, we can receive God’s love, believe God’s Word, obey Him no matter the cost and freely be who God created us to be.
Determined Women of the Bible
5 Days
Every day we have a choice to chase God or choose to live with fear and regret. What does it mean to live determined? Explore 5 women of the BIble who lived determined as they encountered setbacks, defied obstacles, and walked by faith. Choose today to be determined, to stay when it’s hard, to follow Jesus, and lead when you’re called to lead, to give back, and to be courageous!
21 Days to Cultivate a Grateful Heart
21 Days
Gratitude is contagious and as you practice living thankfully, you give others permission to be thankful too. You will take the next 21 days to celebrate the good things in your life, shift your focus from what you think is missing in your life to the blessings that are right in front of you and share the faithfulness of God with those around you.
The Word Works
7 Days
The Word of God is the most incredible resource and investment for navigating the speed of life. Every day we have an opportunity to reflect the relationship between Jesus and His bride, the Church. When individuals desire to invest in their relationship with God intentionally, the greatest textbook is the Word of God. We can love and live the Word of God in practical ways every day.
The Word Works in Marriage
7 Days
The Word of God is the most incredible resource and investment for married couples navigating the speed of life. Marriage is our opportunity to reflect on the relationship between Jesus and His bride, the Church. When couples intentionally desire to invest in their marriage, the greatest textbook is the Word of God. A FULLY CONNECTED marriage loves and lives the Word of God in practical ways every day.