Our vision is to elevate Jesus one life at a time.
We are committed to promoting the name of Jesus, encouraging those in need, and connecting people to their destiny as sons and daughters of the living God.

Ministry always starts with a radical change in an individual’s life. Marc Owings’ ministry began when he was profoundly transformed just before he turned 20 years old.
With no conscience, unbridled appetites and uncontrollable desires, Marc was driven to pursue everything the world had to offer. “God was just a concept to me. He was a vague idea and as illusory to me as a dream. As a child, I never heard the true gospel message.” After a life-altering encounter with Christ, Marc’s vague concept of God was transformed into a vibrant, loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Marc’s journey began as God placed him in relationships with some incredible men and women of the faith. The Lord continued to expand his spiritual growth by providing an amazing opportunity to work with James and Betty Robison at LIFE Outreach International. For 15 years, he traveled the world watching the message of Christ transform people in China, Africa, South and Central America.
Then, in 2006, Marc and his wife Leslie founded elevateHim Ministries. Marc had an extraordinary burning bush experience much like Moses. While reading Exodus 3, God clearly spoke the words “Go and tell Pharaoh to let my people go.” He immediately related to these words because just like the Israelites, Marc knew all too well what it was like to live under the heavy weight of bondage, addiction, and hopelessness.
“God told me to promote, encourage and connect people to the freeing power of His grace and truth. When God spoke these words, it would place me on the path of ministry for the rest of my life. He then said, ‘Marc, you are called to be a prophet of Hope.’ He revealed that being a prophet of hope is not about foretelling the future. It’s all about encouraging the church and the lost about the immeasurable power of God’s love. Everything I preach or partner in doing comes from the message of the grace and truth that Jesus died and rose for. Jesus absolutely destroyed the power of sin on the cross. God loves us and is not disappointed in people! Pharaoh (Satan) has trapped the lost individual into believing that either God doesn’t exist or he doesn’t care. The church has been trapped in the process of working for their salvation,

It is through this vision and Marc’s real, raw and unreligious message of love, that elevateHim Ministries continues to help connect God’s sons and daughters to an intimate, grace-filled relationship with Jesus Christ. Through speaking engagements, Fully Alive events, publications and mission projects around the
world, we’ve seen many become FREE and grab hold of His plan for their lives!
For Speaking Requests
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