
By Megan Lacefield & Marc Owings

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This book was written to open doors for communication in a safe and nonthreatening way. Our desire is that you would begin to have conversations you didn’t realize you weren’t having. As you process through the content and the questions, we challenge you to be honest with God, yourself, and your spouse.

If you’re going through this with a small group, we also ask that you fully engage with your group and be open and honest with them as well. What you have walked through in your past or what you are currently walking through now may impact another couple. There’s power in our stories, and God’s supernatural power flows through our vulnerability and transparency.

Transparency means I’ll let you see my pain and pressure points, but vulnerability invites others into the place of speaking into your life and loving you in the hard places.

FULLY CONNECTED is a journey, not a destination. As you press in, truth is revealed, and God shows up to move mountains in our marriages that will leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Each lesson includes a Reading Section with information to process, Reflect & Connect questions to answer on your own then review with your spouse and a Make a Move section that lays out a deliberate action or task to take it a step further. As you complete each portion, we believe communication and appreciation will increase, bad habits or wrong thought patterns will be weeded out and new discoveries about yourself and each other will be made.

Welcome to the journey of living and loving FULLY CONNECTED.